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COAST Immediate Responses to Rohingya Crises in Cox’s Bazar: Water, Food, Shelters and Medical are the Immediate Needs for their Survival

According to latest UNHCR report, about 270,000 people have so far fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar. Most of them have so far taken shelters in Cox’s Bazar.  As a fast responder to any humanitarian crises in its working areas, COAST has made some immediate responses for the Rohingya refugees recently fled from Mynamar. Immediately COAST made a rapid assessment on the situation and needs of the refugees. Based on the assessment COAST started its support from 8th September 2017. COAST is providing cooked food, pure drinking water and health services to about 3000 people every day.

A short update on COAST Observation, Immediate Response and Recommendations on the recent Rohingya crises can be found from this report. To read details please click on Rohingya Crises in Cox’s Bazar _update on 10th September

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