CHS consultation process in Bangladesh


On 26th January 2014 a preparatory meeting was organized by CHS groups(HAP member organizations, Sphere community Practitioner of People in Aid and experts on humanitarian assistance) and hosted by COAST,

for providing feedback on CHS from Bangladesh through consultation in deferent level; beneficiaries, staffs and stakeholders.Total 16 participants from 14 organizations Including COAST have participated in the meeting. The list of participants is as below;

1. M.A. Wahed-ERPC, CARE, 2. MD. Towhidul Islam- Coordinator-DRM, Muslim Aid, 3. Syeda Nurunnahar Lovely – Senior Officer, DSK, 4. Khaled Masud Ahmed- Programme Coordinator, IFRC, 5. Aminul Kawser Dipu- Coordinator, ESC, 6. Golam M Billah- Head of Humanitarian Program, IR’B, 7. G. Nayeem Wahra- Member Secretary, Foundation for Disaster Forum, 8. Dulon Joseph Gomes – EPO, Christian Aid, 9. Zahangir Alam- PC, DCA, 10. Kazi Shahidur Rahman – CEO, NIRAPAD, 11. Shukla Tagore- DRM- Coordinator, Plan International Bangladesh, 12. Shashanka Sadi- Director- Media min, Media-min RDM consultancy, 13. AM Nasir Uddin- Deputy Manager CC & DM, Action Aid, 14. Sanat K. Bhowmik, Director- COAST, 15. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury- Executive Director, COAST and 16. Shawkat Ali Tutul- Assistant Director, Social Accountability and DRR, COAST.

The participants discussed on CHS presented in the meeting. The major decisions were, 1. Translation of CHS into Bengali, 2. On next 13th Feb’14 a meeting will be held on preparation for field level consultation, 3. Participants agreed on involvement of representatives of Government agencies and National level NGOs and other INGOs, 4. Regional basis consultation will be done and hosted by agencies that have much program in that region. 5. On 13th March’14 a meeting will be held for synthesis the field data and preparation for National level consultation 6. At the end of March ’14 a national level consultation meeting will be organized and 7. INGOs and NGOs of CHS group will contribute all the costing in proportionately and voluntary.