COAST Trust is Non Partisan and Believes in Positive engagement with Govt.


COAST Trust came across a recent press conference of respected Mr. HT Imam, the political advisor of Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, about monitoring the national parliamentarian election of 2018. Mr. Imam mentioned about COAST Trust along with other organizations nominated for election monitoring. COAST Trust wants to clarify its own position in this relation.

COAST Trust does believe that Mr. Imam is one of the respected senior political fellow in Bangladesh and he is not personally aggrieved with this organization. He might have had some misinformation in this relation to mention the name.

As a human rights and democracy defender, COAST Trust always has been believing in the spirit of our great liberation war. COAST always works to serve the interest of the country being positively engaged with the government in the national and international level. There are examples that we have been cooperating with the government in the international negotiations, especially mobilizing international civil societies, particularly in UNFCCC (United Nation Framework on Climate Change Conference)’s climate negotiations, WTO (World Trade Organization)’ conferences and UN process on Global Compacts both in Migration and Refugees, by which the country is benefitted several times and our images has boosted up. Government also duly appreciated COAST Trust for those efforts.

We remember that BNP-Jamayat accused COAST Trust during 2008 national election for ‘favoring Awami League’. It was reported in several newspaper on that time.  Awami League has also raised objection about COAST Trust to be involved in election monitoring at that time. And right after that we wanted an appointed with Mr. HT Imam and he was generous to give us time and listened to us. Later Awami League / he officially withdrew the complaints against COAST Trust and we expressed our gratitude accordingly.

COAST Trust conveys gratitude to the Bangladesh Election Commission bestowed confidence for long time and allowing the organization in election monitoring with greater space. COAST also thankful to Election Working Group for providing technical assistance in this regard. However, COAST is considering the withdrawal from all election monitoring activities this time to avoid all debate and misunderstanding raised.

It is to be mentioned that, COAST Trust has been working in the coastal area of Bangladesh since 1998 to support the coastal poor and uphold the human rights for them. For this particular purpose COAST Trust has been working through a positive engagement with the government to contribute to the government’s mission of development.
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