Opportunity of justice


Aina, a raped ten years old minority girl, got the opportunity of justice.

Aina, a ten years old minority girl which father’s name is Taposh Chandro De, was raped on 31 March, 2011 by the local terrorist named Munir. As Taposh Chandro was a poor person of minor community, he did not dare to file a case against the majority. Even he had no ability to give her daughter proper treatment. In the mean time, Badol Chandro, a member of COAST Jonosongoton organized by Local Governance Project, extended his helping hands and with the help of COAST and Jonosangoton, victim’s father Taposh Chadro De was able to file the case against the criminal. COAST also beard all treatment costs of the victims from its Social Justice Program fund. In this way Aina could defend her right of getting justice.

On 31 March,2011 at 8 am. Aina (ten years old minority girl) was raped by a local terrorist named Munir. This incident was happened at 09 no ward, Kutuba union, Burhanuddin Upazila in Bhola. On that day Union election was going on and everybody was going to vote center. Munir got Aina alone and called her to his sister’s house. There he raped her. With the assistance of COAST Jonosongoton leader named Badol , she was admitted to general hospital of Burhauddin. But doctor could not stop her bleeding and he referred the patient to general hospital of Bhola. Then COAST bared all cost of medical treatment from its Social Justice Emergency Fund and brought the patient to Bhola General Hospital. When the patient was suffering from insufficient blood, Project Coordinator-LGP, Mofazzel Haque Alamin donated his own blood to the patient .Doctor Surya Yesmin of general hospital of Bhola examined the symptoms and gave the report that it was an incident of rape. Next day on 01 April, 2011 victim’s father Taposh Chandro de filed a rape case with Burhanuddin Thana by the help of Jonosogoton leader Badol where Badol became a witness of this case. From COAST Trust Project Coordinator-LGP Mofazzel Haque Alami, Coordinator Shamim Hossen and Iqubal Hossen were also the witness of this rape case.

Officer in Charge of Burhanuddin thana said that this incident was recorded as rape case and the only one accused was Munir. We got the record of victim’s speech on 22 ordinances. We were trying heart and soul to arrest the criminal as soon as possible. This incident was published in different local news paper such as The Daily Ajker Bhola of 1st April, 2011. The case number is 01/48.

It is very important and remarkable part in this incident that in Burhauddin, the existing socio-cultural environment is very much adverse to the poor minor community. Here minor community can not dare to file any case with thana against any majority at any sorts of offence. But in this incident it is possible to file case against an influential majority family. The cause behind this success of filling a case against a majority family is that Local Governance Project of COAST Trust funded by Manusher Jonno Foundation has been working here which main objective is to create a pro-active and competent People’s Organization ( Jonosongoton) as a right claiming and defending mechanism in favour of poor and minor community. Consequently Jonsongoton leader named Badol Chandro de, the president of 8 no ward Tri Sena Morcha, has shown the courage to file a case against the majority and become a witness of this case.

This incident has played a great effect to this locality. Poor and minor community are realizing that they are not alone as earlier. Now they have the courage to claim and defend their rights and entitlement.