Report on ADRRN Annual General Meeting held in 11-14 Dec, Thailand


Report: Report on ADRRN Annual General Meeting held in 11-14 Dec, Thailand.

Duration: Dec 11-24, 2018

Place: Bangkok, Thailand

Participant: Sanat K. Bhowmik, Director

Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN) is a network including different NGOs which are working in the field of disaster risk reduction in Asia Pacific region. We got the membership from ADRRN in 2007. From that period we are attending in the annual meeting of ADRRN. Every year ADRRN secretariat organizes an annual meeting. In 2018 the secretariat organized meeting in Bangkok, Thailand during 11-14 December, 2018 where I was one of the participants on behalf of COAST. Other organization like Dhaka Community Hospital Trust, Bangladesh, Dwip Unnyan Shangstha, Bangladesh, SEEDS India, MERCY Malaysia, Japan Platform, UN-OCHA, ICVA, National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET), Nepal, STAR Afghanistan, HIF, IFRC and Centre for Disaster Preparedness, Philippines. The meeting was organized by UNOCHA, Bangkok. This year the meeting was called as the Asia-Pacific Regional NGO Partnerships Week-2018. The main agenda were, Launching Sphere Hand Book 2018, Localizing the Nexus in Asia-Pacific, Achievements of Regional Innovation Forum, Strengthening Regional Response in Asia-Pacific, ADRRN AGM and The Grand Bargain Reflections on Progress in the Region. [Click here for full report]