Sangita Rajbongshi Das joins COAST Foundation as honorary advisor


Ms. Sangita Rajbongshi Das, a Bangladeshi architect based in Japan, has joined COAST Foundation as an honorary advisor. Ms. Das holds a Master of Engineering (M-Eng., 2002) from the Department of Built Environment, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and a Bachelor of Architecture (B-Arch, 1999) from the Department of Architecture, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India.

Currently, Ms. Das is working as a Senior Researcher at Keio University and has been looking into the response and recovery of a major earthquake that hit the Noto Peninsula of northern Japan on January 1, 2024. She is one of the authors of Lessons from the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake: Need for digital transformation in disaster response published by ELSEVIER.

Besides, she has been working as a Research and Publication Consultant for Non-Government Organizations (NGO) since January 2020. She focuses on research, writing, and publication of disaster-related issues. She is a member of CWAJ.  Previously, she worked for CWS Japan CWS New York; the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) at The University of Tokyo and Helping Hands in Japan. She also presents news in Bangla at NHK-World Japan’s Bangla service.

As an honorary advisor, she will support COAST Foundation in strengthening networking and partnership at national and international levels with donors and funders for humanitarian and development programs and enhancing research, assessments, report writing, etc. COAST Foundation family is delighted to welcome her on board in this endeavor.