Influencing Intelligently! The Annual Report of COAST for 2016


The title of the COAST Annual Report for the year of 2016 is Influencing Intelligently! Before selecting the title of this annual report, we have asked a question ourselves thousand times. The question is, are we really influencing intelligently? We have been searching the answer for last couple of months. After analyzing our activities, strategies and impact of our works, we have come to a point where we can confidently say that, yes, we are influencing people and community with our intelligence. COAST Trust is a value based organization works with a Rights Based Approach. COAST tries to aware the marginalized people, the ‘rights holders’ about their legitimate rights, on the other hand COAST tries to sensitize the Service Providers, the ‘Duty Bearers’ to be sensitized to the rights holders. We organize regular orientation and linkage meetings among these two groups. Therefore, with some minimum efforts, we have been able to ensure realization of rights of the people in a sustainable way.The best part of COAST ‘s intelligence is its efforts towards sustainability. In Bangladesh there are many unfortunate example of NGOs became dysfunctional. Many donor depended NGOs are now inactive due to shortage of fund. We believe that, COAST can serve the coastal people more if it can be sustainable financially. We can proudly say that, we are on the right track. Our MF program has given us a strong base, we have started entrepreneurship development and social business, which in terms will ensure our sustainability and our continuous serviced to the program participants. We are very much hopeful, in coming days we will be able to continue to influence people, communities intelligently!This Annual Report is full of exciting stories of influencing people intelligently!
[Click here full report]