COAST Presentation

Get a Firsthand Overview of COAST

Here are four presentations on the evolution and governance of the organisation, core and non-core programs, sector-wise strategic plans, and advocacy and networking. The presentations attached here will give you a glimpse into the operation and approach of the...

Presentation on Professional Development

Presentation on the Practical meaning of DirectorshipPresentation on Basic life disciplinePresentation on Financial Discipline (Personal and Professional)Presentation on How social media kills your time and puts you in psychological pressurePresentation on How to update yourselvesPresentation on Official Dress upPresentation...

PPT on Strategic Plan 2023-27

25 Year Achievement and Takeaways_COAST FoundationPresentation on COAST SWOT AnalysisPresentation on Strategic Plan for Core Program 2023-27Briefing on Climate-Adaptive Income Generating Techniques (CAIGTs)Strategic Planning: Social Development and CommunicationThe strategy of SRHR and Ending Child Marriage Campaign (2023-2025) through Community...

Internally Review Presentation

Presentation on Economic JusticePresentation on Social DevelopmentPresentation on HR & ICTPresentation on Internal AuditPresentation on GenderPresentation on Community RadioPresentation on Finance & GovernancePresentation on Networking & AdvocacyPresentation on MEALPresentation on Humanitarian & Emergency Crisis Response

People’s Organization Training materials

Glossaries on People's Organization policy Draft Training objective & Group-based discussions Issues Jonosongathon and Formation Process Part-A Glossaries Part-B Glossaries Responsibility & Budget  

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