COAST addressed acute needs of the affected community of Kutubdia. Shelter management and evacuation, water and sanitation, humanitarian advocacy, community assets building and kits distribution for primary school children were evidential needs of the community among others. Significances of...
Cyclone Roanu and activation of HCTT: (As per JNA and HRP report) Tropical storm Roanu made landfall in the southern coastal region of Bangladesh on 21st May 2016. Eighteen (18) coastal districts were affected and among them, seven (7)...
COAST Trust has been implementing various development activities to empower adolescents. The main strategies of these activities is to enhance knowledge among adolescents, to facilitate them with opportunities. COAST has developed some adolescents’ groups from where they are learning...
The annual report of COAST has just been released. It covers the reporting period of July 2014 to December 2015. Every year COAST publishes its annual report with a specific theme. Theme or title of this year is Striving...
A Coffee Table Book titled "A Tale from Climate Ground Zero" is going to be launched today in Geneva, Switzerland. Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali MP, the honourable Minister Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh will launch the Book in the...
Bangladesh among other climate victim countries (CVC) is going to be one of the most affected countries in the world in the coming days. There are two basic reasons behind it. First, the country is a low-lying one and...
COAST publishes a research and experience sharing book on the seaweeds as an alternative source of nutrition titled "Potentials of Seaweeds". A project funded by PKSF (Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation) titled "Finance for Enterprise Development and Employment Creation (FEDEC)"...