HomeeventCOAST Trust joins response to Rohingya crisis

COAST Trust joins response to Rohingya crisis

In line with the first commitment of the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) according to which humanitarian response should be appropriate and relevant, COAST Trust conducted a rapid assessment of the refugee situation and drafted a need-based action plan. They identified immediate and long-term needs and mapped the activities of other humanitarian organisations on the ground to maximise the impact. The immediate needs included providing food, water, shelter, medical services and addressing sanitation, while the assessment also showed that the protection of women and adolescent girls should be a priority, as well as dealing with the mental health issue of some refugees. In addition, offering basic education and training services was identified as a necessity to maintain social harmony. Accordingly, COAST provides cooked food, safe drinking water and medical services, has recruited refugees to collect waste and taken some measures to counter child abuse. [Click here news link]

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