HomeeventCOAST Trust Provides Humanitarian Assistance to 3,200 families in Ukhiya and Teknaf

COAST Trust Provides Humanitarian Assistance to 3,200 families in Ukhiya and Teknaf

Cox’s Bazar, May 16, 2020. The COAST Trust continues its humanitarian assistance in Cox’s Bazar district to address the CODID19 crisis. Since the first corona affected patient was identified in Bangladesh, the organization has distributed 450 thousand leaflets to create awareness. Besides, COAST also distributed 226 thousand leaflets in the Burmese language to the Rohingya people taken shelter in camps in Ukhiya and Teknaf.
After the government announced the countrywide lockdown on March 25, mainly the daily wage earner became unemployed. It threatens their livelihoods, creates food and financial shortages, they are struggling in collecting necessary of equipments for their safety . To stand by the affected people, Coast Trust provided support to 1600 families in all unions including the municipality and Ukhia Upazila and 1600 families in Rajapalang, Ratapalang, Jaliapalang, and Haldia Palang Unions. 3200 families received clean water storage jars with lids, three soaps for washing hands, and three laundry soaps. COAST also distributed 5 kgs of rice among 1600 families of Ukhia Upazila.
It mention-worthy that  COAST has provided a cash grant of 1600 thousand Bangladeshi Taka to the emergency fund of district and subdistrict administration of its working areas. COAST also provided Personal Protection Equipments to different community committees and hospitals.



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