Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in COVID-19 World


A grand celebration was organized by COAST ACCORD project to mark the International women’s day on 8th March 2021 in the office premises of Palongkhali COAST ACCORD office with the participation of local women. This project is being implemented with the aim of bringing sustainable economic prosperity to one thousand local families in Palongkhali-ukhiya upazila and Hnila union of Teknaf upazila who are affected by the Rohingya influx. The theme of International Women’s day 2021 is Women in leadership: achieving an equal future in COVID-19 world. The theme has encouraged women on the path to leadership, on the path to challenge. We celebrated the day to mark the achievements of women in social, economic, cultural and political fields. Women have to deal with various problems in family or personal or professional life. Efforts are made to raise awareness about this issue by raising these issues in front of all. Following this 100 local women of Palonkhali union were present at the women’s day celebrations that are constantly facing challenges in their struggle for survival.

At the event Female vice chairman- Ukhiya, Kamrunnesa Baby said that, today is the day for our women to fight for their own rights. We are struggling 365 days in a year. When I am a woman, or mother or girl or wife then I have to think about my family, again when I am a woman leader then again I have to think about the general people. Everyone has to build themselves as supportive women through livelihood or income generating activities. Chairman Palongkhali union, M Gafur Uddin Chy added that, the rights of the women are also mentioned in Holy Quran. A woman can conceive and nurture-which is never possible for a man. During the Corona pandemic the courageous initiative of women in raising family awareness, protecting health and making decisions can only add strength in our crisis. Reserved members of Parvin akter, Rasheda akter, Anjuman Ara and Mojaffar Ahmad (MUP-Palongkhali union) were also delivered speech in the program. Taharima Afroj , project coordinator, COAST ACCORD project said that the role of women in any crisis is undeniable. Women are working at home and abroad nowadays.  The ACCORD project is working for the development of 1000 women in Palonkgali and Hnila. After the end of the project the program participants will be aware about their rights, become self-reliant and help in alleviating poverty in the family and society.