COAST Resource Centre

[Hilsa and Fishermen Community in the Meghna and Tentulia Estuaries] COAST endeavor for Sustainable Hilsa Resources and Fishermen Community Livelihoods

The fish and fisheries are playing a significant role for the socio-economic development of Bangladesh. This sector contributes 3% of total export earning, 4.37% to GDP and 23.37% to agriculture sector. In 2013-2014 the annual fish production was 3.548 million...

Going Against Tide; Concentration in Water, Sanitation and Advocacy [COAST Response to Cyclone “Roanu” in Kutubdia Island]

COAST addressed acute needs of the affected community of Kutubdia. Shelter management and evacuation, water and sanitation, humanitarian advocacy, community assets building and kits distribution for primary school children were evidential needs of the community among others. Significances of...

Presentation with UNICEF Dhaka, May 2016

Presentation PPT of COAST Trust Exit and Sustainability Plan of Engaging Communities for Social and Behavioral Change Project implemented in Bhola

Presentation with DC Bhola, May 2016

Presentation PDF of "COAST Development Initiatives" 

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