
4875 flood affected families received relief assistance from COAST Foundation and Shapla Neer in Feni

Feni, 4 November 2024, COAST Foundation has completed relief assistance to 4875 families in Feni, one of the most affected districts in the floods that hit eastern districts of Bangladesh last August 2024. COAST started providing cooked food and other...

Notice board-1

World Refugee Day 20th June 2024 Dignity for Rohingya Community: Bangladesh and Global Responsibility, What We Can Do Date & Time:  20 June 2024, Thursday, 11h00 to 12h30 Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88174601634?pwd=gzVhXvHOM7Sxa1ov5DKjZ0PVYd4GJa.1 Meeting ID: 881 7460 1634 Passcode: 12345 Place/Venue: Zoom Online Platform. Seminar Related Materials: ...

WTO must comply SDG to develop people’s lives

Draft Position Paper on WTO Seminar in Bangladesh Opinion expressed in the seminar is reflected here We want Bangladesh to act for Least Developed Countries WTO’s Mandate is to Improve People’s Lives Not to Facilitate the Unfair Corporate Trade Introduction WTO is the official international organisation...

WTO’s Mandate is to Improve People’s Lives, Not to Facilitate the Unfair Corporate Trade

Draft Position Paper on WTO Seminar in Bangladesh Opinion expressed in the seminar is reflected here We want Bangladesh to act for Least Developed Countries WTO’s Mandate is to Improve People’s Lives Not to Facilitate the Unfair Corporate Trade Introduction WTO is the official international organisation...

7th Annual General Meeting (AGM). 4-5 August 2023_All Presentation

COAST origin and evolutionCOAST Review in 2022 – 2023 by staff and external consultantFuture situation analysis which will influence the NGO and CSO growthCOAST Vision, Mission and ValuesCore programNon-core programs (grant based programs)Advocacy and networkingOrganizational Sustainability AnalysisBudget & Financial...

বিশ্ব মানবিক দিবস-২০২৩, জরুরী পরিস্থিতিতে মানবিক কাজে নিয়োজিত সংগঠনগুলো মানুষের পাশে দাঁড়ায়, স্থানীয় সংগঠন শক্তিশালীকরণ ও কর্মীদের অবদানের স্বীকৃতি চাই

কেন বিশ্ব মানবিক দিবস পালন করা হয়? ইরাকের বাগদাদে আজ থেকে ২০ বছর আগে ১৯ আগস্ট ২০০৩ সালে সন্ত্রাসীদের এক আক্রমণে আমরা মানবিক কর্মকান্ডে নিয়োজিত জাতিসংঘের ২২ জন সহকর্মীকে হারিয়ে ফেলি। এই ঘটনা বিশ্বকে হতবাক করে দেয়। যেখানে সহায়তা প্রদানকারী...

World Humanitarian Day 2023, No Matter What, Together we stand beside affected communities, Empower local actors

Why the world observes World Humanitarian Day? Twenty years ago, on August 19, 2003, a terrorist bomb attack in Baghdad, Iraq, claimed the lives of 22 humanitarian aid workers. This tragic event left the world in shock and raised a...

Virtual Dialogue on World Refugee Day at 14 June 2023

Topic: Understanding the Protracted Rohingya Crisis and Sustaining Country Image on Human RightsTarget Participant: Social Media and Local Media Activists of Cox’s Bazar.Platform: Virtual Zoom MeetingTime: 11.00 am to 12.30 pm (Dhaka, GMT+6), 14th June 2023Draft Outline of the Event World Refugee...

Strategic Plan (Archive)

COAST Evolution and Strategic Plan 2020_24 COAST Origin, Rohingya Response and Future Strategy COAST Long term planning 2014 to 2019

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