Dhaka 24th August 2013. The recent worrisome situation of river erosion and high tide water intrusion of Bhola passing since May 2013. The situation getting worsen day by day but government haven’t taken yet any effective initiatives for protection....
Dhaka, August 19. The recent worrisome situation of river erosion and high tide water intrusion directly hit around half a million people, cause loss of land of around 3 square kilometer in Bhola island. The worrisome situation will continue...
Dhaka 5th August 2013: Bangladesh Fish Workers’ Alliance (BFWA) who works on the interest of small fish workers in Bangladesh expresses its concern on the government’s decision of giving license to the fishing trawlers for fishing in the deep...
5 August, 2013: Fisher folks in Bhola and Cox's Bazar districts demand to save their earnings from the big trawlers are given license without any survey on the existing resources in the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh Fish Workers' Alliance...
Dhaka, 4th August 2013. Today in press conference a network of NGO-MFI (Micro Finance Institution) demands for single digit interest rate in the agricultural loan for the sake of agricultural development in the country. The leaders also demand for...
ভোলায় প্লাবিত হচ্ছে নতুন এলাকা: বাড়ছে পানিবাহিত রোগ। রোজাদারের মানবেতর জীবন
ভোলা, ২৯ জুলাই, ২০১৩: বাংলাদেশের দক্ষিণাঞ্চলের দ্বীপ জেলা ভোলায় বন্যা পরিস্থিতির অবনতি দেখা দিয়েছে। গত কয়েক দিনের প্রবল বৃষ্টিপাত এবং মেঘনা ও তেতুলিয়া নদীর বাড়তি পানি প্রবাহের ফলে এই...
Charfassion, Bhola, 29 July 2013: COAST introduces a new project called Community Legal Service" in Charfassion, Bhola to provide legal services to the poor and vulnerable of its project area by strengthening the local arbitration system i.e. "Gram Adalat"....
Dhaka, 9th June 2013: COAST Trust distributes 1,500 family kits (comprises of 17 items for daily using) in Bhola during June 6-9, 2013 among the families seriously affected by the cyclone Mohasen as per the agreement with UNICEF. The...
The cyclone Mahasen in fact affected our Bhola and Outreach Islands region, although we have taken all out preparation in Cox’s Bazar region.
It was forecasted that by the next 3 to 5 hours the cyclone Mahasen would cross Sitakunda...
Dhaka, 17th May 2013, 1930 hours (GMT +6)
(i) Cyclone Mahasen has passed through Bangladesh coast on 16th May 2013 evening and all the coastal people who came to different cyclone shelters for safety have returned home straightway. Our staffs...