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Civil Society Demand Respect to People’s Right and Regional River Management to Reduce Disaster Risk in Asia Region

Dhaka, 30th October 2016. Today on the eve of upcoming AMCDRR 2016 Delhi Bangladeshi twenty three civil society humanitarian organizations have organized a press conference in national press club, and presented six point demands which they will raise in AMCDRR Delhi. Key demands in this regard are demand on respect from state and government leaders and for region wise river management as primary basis for disaster risk reduction in Asia. The twenty three signatory of the joint call are Action Aid, Action La Fame, Christian Aid, BRAC, COAST, Concern Universal, Dun Church Aid (DCA) , Deshari, Disaster Forum, Gono Unnayan Kendra, Dwip Unnayan Sangsta, Islamic Relief, Light House, Nirapod, Pidim Foundation, Oxfam, Plan International, Practical Action, SMKK, SKS, Tear Fund and World Vision. The press conference was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdury of COAST, six points was presented by Mr Nayeem Gowhar Wara Director BRAC, and otherspeakers are Mrs Hasian Inam Country Director DCA, Mr Halim Miah Coordintor Practical Action and Mr Swakat Ali Tutul Assistant Director COAST.
On behalf of the group Mr Nayeem Director BRAC presented the six piton demands which are (i) Listen to the people of the region and consider river basin wise management to reduce river erosion, flood and salinity intrusion especially in lower riparian countries, (ii) Invest to construct critical infrastructure to protect people from cyclone, monsoon tidal surge, saline water intrusion in coastal area. Also provide shelter to poor people in urban area. In this regard the civil society joint call mentioned that getting official development assistance (ODA) in this regard is the legitimate rights of climate vulnerable countries (CVC) as these are happening due to climate change, where these CVCs hardly responsible for climate catastrophes. (iii) Respect rights and dignity of the displaced people, prepare internal and cross border displacement policies in view of UN guidelines. Prepare national and regional policy for planned relocation and resettlement, (iv) Countries in region should prepare emergency response agencies fully equipped, ready and stand by for rapid response in cross border level, (v) Sendai framework monitoring and implementation should be in an inclusive process both in country and region level especially with the participation of communities and civil societies, and (vi) Uphold WHS (World Humanitarian Summit) key spirit of accountability and localization : role of local community and local civil society should come first.
Mrs. Hasina Inam of DCA said that, the conference is important as there are 22 ministers will join, and this is the time to create opinion pressure on the leaders especially of big countries who shout take multilateral approach to solve the issue of river water flow, which is fundamental for life and livelihood of lower riparian countries. Mr. Halim Miah of Practical Action said that, Bangladesh is losing around 2 to 3 % GDP in both slow and rapid onset disasters, and also spend around 19 % for safety net programs, these money will be safe if there are regional joint approach. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of COAST said, the conference is the opportunity to raise people voice in front of regional powers who take decision most of the time hardly taking the concern small countries.

Please download [Bangla Press] [English Press] [Position Paper] [a call towards Asian Leaders from Bangladeshi civil society]
Newspaper link


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